Studies show that dairy products made from the milk of
grass-fed, free range cows not only taste better, but are also more nutritious than milk produced by cows that don't graze grass or that have a high proportion of cereal and grains in their diet 1

Milk from grass-fed cows supports our health

Grass-fed cows have a higher proportion of conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) in their milk, which has been shown to have lots of beneficial effects in human health including:

  • reducing body fat
  • lowering the risk of cardiovascular diseases and cancer
  • modulating immune and inflammatory responses
  • improving bone mass 3 4 5
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The grass-fed difference

Compared to milk from grain-fed cows, milk produced from grass-fed cows contains:

  • A balanced ratio of omega-3 fats, important for general health 3 4 5
  • A greater concentration of vitamin E, antioxidants protecting cells from damage, and vitamin A 5 6
  • Beta-carotene, which is converted into vitamin A (retinol) – an essential antioxidant with skin, immunity, and vision benefits, as well as protection against the free-radical molecules that damage cells 3 4 5

The grass-fed system is a more environmentally friendly way of farming

  • Generally grass-fed systems are very efficient in their use of resources as the feed is grown on farm, minimising the need for the area, energy and machinery needed in the production of purchased feed 6
  • Grazing outdoors allows cows to express their normal behaviours, promotes social contact and allows herd hierarchy to occur. Positive animal welfare is displayed in cows grazing outdoors 5 7
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